How to subscribe to the Friends of Coombe Wood, or renew your subscription
Our bank account in the name Friends of Coombe Wood is now up and running. So, you can send cheques made ot to Friends of Coombe Wood. The interim account in the name of T. Isherwood will still function for a while, but will then close.
If you would like to subscribe, or renew your subscription, the preferred method is by BACS bank transfer. The minimum subscription is £5. The account details are:
- Sort Code:
- 20-70-93
- Account Number:
- 80215279
- Account Name:
- Friends of Coombe Wood
- Payment Reference:
- Enter your name and the year
If you cannot use BACS, then please send cash or a cheque (made out to Friends of Coombe Wood) to the Treasurer at 28 Thundersley Grove, Benfleet SS7 3EB.
We have investigated paying by PayPal, but the charge they make for each transaction, whilst not large in itself, is large in proportion to the basic subscription. For this reason we do not support paying by PayPal.
When you have made a BACS payment (or sent us your money) please provide us with your details below. We need some information to match your payment to your name and address, and to maintain our membership list so that we can contact you and send you our newsletter.
In the form below, some of the fields are flagged as Required. If you do not complete these fields, you will be returned to this page for you to fill in the required entries.
Alternatively, you might find it convenient to use the Enrolment Form here. This is in PDF format for easy printing.